New Year

Happy New Year – Welcome 2019!

So 2018 is on its ways out imminently and I couldn’t welcome 2019 in without writing a post.  I am not one for resolutions as such as I am not sure they really help, but at this time of year I do like to have a bit of a reflection on the past year and at least think about what I hope to give and achieve in the upcoming year.  So before we start wishing one another Happy New Year I am going to take a little look back at 2018.  There are some affiliate links in the post.

great year 1

Things I have learnt about mothering

  • I need to be more organised.  Four little people is still a lot even though they are getting older and it is easier when I am organised and think ahead
  • Taking time for me is not only ok, but is essential and makes me a better mother
  • There is a me outside of them.  As my girls have started nursery 2.5 days a week I have had time to myself and I have started to remember who I was and am without them around
  • Twins are chaos unlike anything I experienced with two singleton toddlers.  My boys are less than two years apart so I have had two toddlers before, but Lord above twin toddlers is another level of crazy
  • One to One time is so vital.  I find this so hard to achieve with 4 little people, but it makes such a positive difference to their behaviour and development that it is essential

Things I have learnt about blogging

  • Despite starting my blog in 2012 I never actually promoted any of my writing.  2018 was the first time that I did this and I learnt that it isn’t so scary to actually let people read what I write
  • Promotion of blog posts is work!  I have learnt so much about twitter, pinterest, facebook and instagram and I feel like I spend more time on social media than actually writing.  It seems that the nature of the beast is just that…
  • It is important to find your blogging tribe.  I love that the blogging community is so welcoming and so supportive to one another.  I have learnt loads from reading other bloggers posts just about what works and what doesn’t and I have also loved getting to know and meet some great bloggers in 2018
  • Sometimes brands waste your time…  I have agreed prices and negotiated terms with brands only to have them just dissapear.  The first time it happened I was so annoyed as I just couldn’t understand why anyone would waste my time or theirs in that way.  I still think that it is downright rude to do this, but from reading bloggers forums I have learnt that is just something that happens.  It is so irrigating though…

Things I am looking forward to in 2019

  • My girls will start school in September and I am both looking forward to my new found daytime freedom and dreading the end of my time with babies at home.  This has been my life for 8 years so it is scary that it is coming to an end, but exciting too I think…
  • More writing and hopefully more opportunities will come my way for blogging,  I have worked with some really fun brands this year and am looking forward to that continuing and increasing in 2019
  • I am looking forward to a happy new year in so many ways.  Fingers crossed we will be able to get some work completed on our house and after a few very hectic years of having babies be able to move into a more stable period of our lives both financially and emotionally
  • I have written a fair bit about my little girl’s tough start in life and we are left with an ongoing issue with her having a narrowed airway.  This winter we have had 3 A&E trips, but as she grows this should stop.  We really hope that 2019 will be the year when we can finally put this stress behind us
  • I always look forward to our summer holiday and 2019 is no different.  I am already excited about it as I know how much fun we have and the older the kids get the more fun it is!

Happy New Year

Changes I am planning for 2019

  • I am finding ways to get more organised and the first of these is getting a family calendar with enough spaces for all 6 of us.  I need to know who needs to be where and when….  AFFILIATE LINK:

  • I am going to meal plan in 2019.  It is something I tried this year, but I lost focus.  When I did it I found it made a difference to the shopping budget and took away stress from my life.  I am planning to share the meal plans with you all too
  • In 2019 I plan to write more about women and the work place which would be a bit of shift in focus. It was hard for me to manage going back to work and tried a few ways of making it work, but ultimately working for myself was the only way for us.  I have met loads of other women who are also working for themselves and so I am planning on writing a series about women making work work!
  • I want to try mindfulness.  Self care is so important and I feel like this is something that would really benefit me
  • The other thing I am doing for me in 2019 is learning French well learning more French.  I can get by, but it isn’t pretty…
  • I would love to get a bit more focused in my approach to working.  By this I mean I need to stop dipping in and out of working.  It feels like I need to have set times when I am working and when I am not.  This will certainly be easier once the girls are at school.  I am thinking about making a schedule for my life as well as for the kids.  By this I mean I want to plan out the days so I know when I am working, when I am doing the glamorous stuff like washing the sheets and cleaning. 
  • Everyone gets on the work out and healthy eating train in January and I am no different.  I have stacked on the pounds since the summer. This isn’t about the scales for me.  I hate weighing myself.  It is about how my clothes feel.  Let’s be honest I know that I haven’t been working out enough and have been eating the wrong things.  The clock is ticking for me to get back on track or I won’t be able to fit in my skinny jeans!  I like the bodycoach cook books.  The food is delicious.  They recipes are easy and the eating plan works.  So I am heading back to this way of eating.  AFFILIATE LINK:

34 thoughts on “Happy New Year – Welcome 2019!”

  1. Happy New year! What a fab reflection post. I definitely agree that its important to make sure you get time for self Care. We are rubbish at this, so im going to Be putting my foot down for 2019 to make sure i get some. Thanks for being a fab #dreamteam host xx

  2. Thank you for sharing your 2018 lessons with us. I am not on Instagram, but I am thinking about joining. I fear that I am not a good enough picture-taker, but a lot of bloggers seem to promote thier work there.

  3. So much in this post reminded me of myself not too many years ago emerging from that time in life where babies and toddlers take up all your time as a woman and you lose sight of self and struggle to juggle it all. pleased to hear that you are making your blog work for you more and I did that last year too after years and years of blogging with no clear goals as such. I too am doing meal planning and self care and hopefully mindfulness this year. Meal planning and also planning for weekly one on one time with each of my teenagers is paying huge dividends already. Wishing you all the best for another amazing year. #DreamTeam

    1. It is a strange period of my life almost as if I can feel a fog lifting! I’m excited for the future but daunted by the end of having the babies #DreamTeam

  4. Sounds like 2019 will be a fabulous year for you. Once your girls start school you wont know yourself! Good luck with the mindfulness; you will love it! #dreamteam

    1. Thanks Jo. Wishing you all the best too and thanks for your first post of 2019. You are my featured blogger this week #DreamTeam

  5. I love reflective posts like this – and i enjoy reading what everyone has planned for 2019. i hope you achieve all of your goals for this year. thanks for hosting the linky and i look forward to taking part every year in 2019 x #DreamTeam

  6. Yes I am trying to be more organised too! and i completely agree with you about the importance of making time for yourself. sounds like you have had a busy year, here’s to 2019! x #dreamteam

  7. Wow, respect, I don’t know how can juggle all this with 4 little people! Love your plans though, especially the scheduling/planning element – I hope it will make things easier and magically give you more time for all the things you want to do 🙂 #dreamteam

  8. isn’t it great to be able so sit and sort your thoughts out along with plans and goals? its a lovely clear feeling. I try to do the same thing but I am nowhere near as organised as you! i hope all of your goals for this year click into place! #dreamteam

    1. It’s all smoke and mirrors I am often like a loon flying about all over the place! Thank for being on the #DreamTeam and for you best wishes x

    1. I would love to have a big planner for the wall but it is tough for us to get these as hardly anyone does one for 6! #DreamTeam

  9. If you do manage to find a way to meal plan, and it works, please share! I’ll be your very best friend! We are so lacking in this department! Happy New Year lady, #dreamteam May it all come true, with glitter #dreamteam xoxo

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